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    A Team of Dogs May Have Uncovered the Final Resting Place of Amelia Earhart

    People have been wanting to know what happened to Amelia Earhart, one of aviation’s greatest pioneers, for decades. Now, with the help of some well-trained scent-tracking dogs, the mystery surrounding her disappearance and the question of where she ultimately ended up may be answered.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Golden Retriever

    Learn more about the Golden Retriever dog breed.

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    Summer Safety 101

    These five tips will make your dog’s summer so much better! And they’ll also help you rest a little easier knowing that you’ve protected your pet against some of summer’s biggest safety pitfalls.

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    Recall Alert: United Pet Group Issues Expanded Recall of Rawhide Dog Chews After Discovery of Dangerous Chemical in Products

    If you recently bought rawhide chews for your dog, you may want to give the label a second look to make sure it isn’t included in this recently expanded this nationwide recall.

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    Can Dogs Get STDs?

    Whether you are a responsible breeder or just a caring pet owner, you need to know the signs, symptoms, and dangers of canine sexually transmitted diseases—especially since one of them can be transmitted to humans via skin contact!

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