• Dogs And The Olympics Disc

    Dogs and the Olympics

    We love the Olympics! Whether we are athletes ourselves or just appreciate cheering on our teams and seeing the amazing feats they can do - it’s a great worldwide event. There are different times and seasons for certain sporting events for people, but did you know that dogs have something similar to the Olympics to show off their great skills? Yes, there are dog sporting events! So what kind of competitions do dogs have? We have a list of six different events dogs train and participate in!

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  • 5 Ways Dogs Can Positively Affect Your Academic Performance

    5 Ways Dogs Can Positively Affect your Academic Performance

    Dogs are often cited as “man’s best friend” for a variety of legitimate reasons. Besides being adorable and helping you start conversations with people outside, dogs can also be great learning companions. Did you know they can also help you become better at your college assignments?

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  • CKC Valentines Day For Your Dog

    Pamper Your Pooch This Valentine's Day

    Love is in the air! It’s that special time of year when we all get hearts in our eyes and go out of our way for the ones we love. Our dogs deserve some extra love too! Here is a list of five ideas to help you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your dog.

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  • How You And Your Dog Can Fight The Winter Blues Together CKCUSA 2

    How You and Your Dog Can Fight the Winter Blues Together

    We’re officially in the midst of the winter months, and for many people, that means darker days and colder temperatures. It’s no surprise, then, that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) impacts about 10 million Americans.

    The “winter blues” are a very real thing and can cause you to feel depressed, anxious, unmotivated, and fatigued. Unfortunately, your blues could be impacting your four-legged friend, too.

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  • CKC Creating The Perfect Pet Room For Your Dog 3

    Creating the Perfect Pet Room for Your Furry Friend

    Many pet owners consider their four-legged friends to be important members of the family. So, it only makes sense to create a special room for your furry friend. They deserve a place they can go to feel completely comfortable and content – at least when they’re not cuddled up next to you!

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