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    Tips to Keep Your Dog Warm in Cooler Temperatures

    Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in a place where the weather seldom dips below 70 degrees, you will need to take special precautions during the winter months. Read on to learn how you can keep your dog warm this winter.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Old English Sheepdog

    The ancestors of the Old English sheepdog remain a mystery. The dogs have been used in England for centuries, yet no documented accounts of the breed exist prior to 1771. Learn more about these beautiful dogs.

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    Tips for Training a Dog While You Work Full-Time

    There’s a good chance that, without a full-time job, you won’t be able to afford a dog. Unfortunately, this means that you won’t always be able to spend as much time as you’d like training your furry pal. But there is hope! Read on for tips to train your dog even if you’re a full-time worker.

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    How to Train Your Dog Not to Bite Others

    Even if it only happens on occasion, biting can be a serious problem for dogs and those around them. As a responsible owner, you need to do everything possible to teach your dog to abandon this unwanted and dangerous behavior. Read on for tips to train your dog not to bite others.

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    4 Triggers that May Cause Travel Anxiety in Dogs

    If your dog has trouble with traveling, the underlying cause is probably more complicated than you think. Read on to learn about four of the major triggers that can make your dog anxious about traveling.

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