Your Guide to Keeping Your Pets Healthy in 2022
As 2022 progresses, we have all heard and made our fair share of New Year's Resolutions to eat better and exercise more. But these fitness routines shouldn't just be for the benefit of the human members of our families. They should also be extended to our beloved pets.
Having a healthier cat or dog includes helping to prolong their life and making a financial commitment. To make the best decisions for them, check out this guide to make this year the brand-new beginning of being able to live their best lives.
Feed Your Pet a Healthy Diet
In order to keep our pets physically active and strong, they must eat a nutritionally balanced diet. Be sure that the food that your pets are consuming is correct for their breed, weight, and size.
Younger puppies can use the additional fat and carbohydrates for their active lifestyle, and older dogs may require less fatty foods. Indoor house cats won't have the same diet as rural cats that hunt on a farm.
Whichever type of cat or dog you have, be sure that they are fed food full of vitamins and minerals to prevent health concerns such as skin disorders and behavioral issues.
Remember that pets can carry germs and bacteria from the outdoor environment, and those germs can get transferred to their food bowls, which can be harmful to humans too.
Like it or not, you need to be cleaning the bowls and eating areas of your pets after each meal to put a halt to the spread of germs.
Provide Your Pet with Their Own Safe Space
Once you have made your pet a loved fixture in your family, you can experience the excitement, liveliness, and social interaction they can bring to your home.
Establish this level of peaceful companionship by providing your cat or dog with their own safe space to reside. They will need time to retreat and recuperate, just like we do after a long, action-packed day. Your pet's home within your home can consist of a doghouse, a customized crate, a pet bed, or (if you have the space) it can even be a separate room where they can relax.
Cats and dogs grow tired of high-stress situations just like human beings. Giving them their own domain is key to showing them appreciation and that they are cared for and protected, which is what you surely want in return from them.
Pets are not just sensitive and smart; they can also be protective of the children and adults in your home that have continually shown them love and respect. Along with expressions of dignity, provide your pets with a structured environment so that they can learn the boundaries of living with you so that they don't get hurt or injure you in the process.
In the same way that you would child-proof a kid's playroom, make sure that the designated safe space for your pet isn't littered with sharp objects or crowded with dangerous arrangements of items that could spill over and put your pet in need of medical care.
Find a Quality Veterinarian for Your Pet
Animals can become very fearful and skittish when brought into new locations, such as the veterinarian's office.
This can make veterinarian visits stressful for people and animals alike. When you are nervous about taking your pet out of the home, they will sense your emotions and become even more anxious themselves. Research and find a nearby veterinarian's office that has the capabilities to make your pet feel comfortable during medical procedures.
Picking the proper vet and preparing yourself for visits will make the experience much more enjoyable for you and your pet. Being that your pet and you aren't able to hold a vocal conversation with each other, be sure to convey your concerns for your pet.
Since your pets cannot talk, establishing a trusting partnership between you and your veterinarian is key to ensuring your furry friend's long and healthy life. When it comes to elder pets who may suffer from inflammation, anxiety, pain, appetite loss, and nausea, pet CBD products can offer relief naturally.
Morally, you can't just choose to have a pet in your home and then ignore your responsibilities to ensure that they are barking with delight and purring with satisfaction. For pets to prove they are among your most loyal companions, you have to give them the same trusted level of commitment to their needs.
Also, let's not forget those neighbors we see taking their dogs for a walk regularly. They are not just bonding with each other; they are giving each other a reason to get some fresh air and exercise.
Purchase Pet Insurance Before Emergencies Happen
The last thing you want to have to happen to your dog or cat is to have them faced with a painful accident, and you don't have reliable pet insurance to cover the cost of the medical care that they deserve.
What would you prefer to pay, 100% of hundreds or thousands of dollars, or potentially only 90% of veterinarian fees with a proper pet insurance policy in place?
Teach Children to Respect Pets
Last but not least, to keep your pets healthy and safe in 2022, make sure that you are teaching the children in your pets' lives to respect these furry friends and not treat them rough like the stuffed animals on their floor. Cats and dogs need a safe environment to co-exist with you, just like kids do.
Recent studies claim that kids raised with pets in their homes are more likely to establish a strong immune system. The CDC published additional health benefits of having pets, including decreased loneliness, depression, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.