How Can You Tell if Your Dog Enjoys the Dog Park?
Socializing with other dogs is an essential element of your canine’s well being. However, if you don’t live near other pet owners, it can be hard to make it happen. Luckily, many communities have dog parks. These purposeful places often have designated areas for large and small dogs, washing stations, and large grassy areas where pets can play.
One of the most challening things about owning a dog is that you can’t communicate with it through words. There are probably several words your pooch understands, but it can’t verbalize needs or feelings to you with dialogue. Going to a dog park is typically a fun experience for dogs. However, it’s still necessary to recognize cues that signal enjoyment.
Study the Interactions with Other Dogs
Just like you don’t love every person you meet, you can’t expect a dog to get along with every canine in the park. There are several ways you can determine that everything is okay when your dog romps with the other facility occupants.
Watch and see if your dog engages in “give and take” interactions with others. If it seems your pet is always the one getting chased, pinned to the ground, or ganged up on by fellow dogs, it may not be having fun. However, if your pup takes turns with different kinds of play, that’s a good sign.
It also may become clear that your dog has had enough and just wants to be left alone. If the critter creates distance between other dogs or tries to hide from them, you may need to intervene by taking your pet back home.
Understand Body Language Symbols
A wagging tail is one of the most familiar characteristics of a happy dog. Did you know that a tucked tail indicates fear? The same is true if the canine has drawn, tight lips. An open mouth (often with the tongue hanging out) is often a sign of relaxation. When a dog keeps its muscles loose at the dog park, it’s having a good time. If you notice a lot of tension, the opposite is true.
The more you learn to decipher your dog’s body language, the easier it’ll be to monitor things at a glance. Remember that your pet may initially appear scared if the dog park or the canines in it are new. If it still seems your dog is worried or on guard after a few minutes, the experience of being away from home in this way may be intimidating.
Watch How the Dog Uses the Space
Most forward-thinking designers and landscapers of dog parks know canines love playing off their leashes. The freedom it provides translates to pure bliss for pets, and it can result in fewer hassles for owners because a well-exercised dog is typically one that behaves well and doesn’t become mischievous due to boredom. Upon arriving at a dog park, you may not think your pet needs so much space. Before long, your canine will probably prove you wrong.
If the dog remains energetic during the time at the park and spends its time running, jumping and playing with other animals, it’s having a good time. However, if the dog stands away from the others and doesn’t want to join in, it may be too scared.
Interact With Your Pooch at the Park
The dog park is not a place where you should plan to get engrossed in a book while your dog plays. Before taking your dog to the park for the first time, teach it to come when you call it. Then, periodically summon your canine and make sure it seems to be having a good time. If you notice signs of distress, call it a day. Choosing a small dog park over a large one is a smart idea if your pup isn’t used to them yet. Then, you can supervise things easily and don’t have to yell or whistle as loudly to get your dog’s attention. Giving your pet a treat when it comes to you helps reinforce the command and desired action, too.
The advice above should help you feel more confident about helping your dog socialize. If the experience seems too scary at first, consider making gradual changes by taking your dog to meet other canines in a smaller environment where it remains on the leash.
Emily is a freelance wildlife conservation and pet blogger. To check out more of her work, see her blog, Conservation Folks, or follow her Twitter account @emilysfolk.