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    Breed Spotlight: the Poodle

    The ancestors of the poodle can be traced as far back as ancient Rome, where images of the dogs that closely resembled the poodle have been found etched on the walls of tombs. The breed's popularity spread and its traits were refined in France to be the poodle we see today.

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    Is It a Bad Idea to Let Your Dog Sleep on Your Bed?

    Are there hidden benefits to letting a sleeping dog lie on your bed, or is it a bad idea that comes with its own risks? The results of a new Mayo Clinic study are making some dog owners think twice.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Border Collie

    Learn more about the Border Collie dog breed.

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    5 Reasons Why Your Dog May Be Losing Weight

    While obesity is becoming an increasingly common problem for dogs, sudden weight loss can be a sign of a number of serious health issues, and it’s something responsible pet owners need to watch out for.

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    Top 8 Dogs of Film and TV

    Proving that the best actors in show business are professionally trained (and housebroken), here are eight of Hollywood’s most famous four-legged performers.

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