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    Breed Spotlight: the Samoyed

    Learn more about the Samoyed dog breed.

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    It’s Official: Dogs Are Smarter than Cats

    We always knew it was the case, but now science can finally back us up! The age-old question of who is smarter—cats or dogs—can now officially be put to rest, thanks to information provided in a new study conducted by an international team of researchers.

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    Dog Breeds and Royalty: A History

    Dogs have long held a unique bond with humans, and they have been popular pets of royalty in countries around the world for thousands of years. Learn more about their special relationship with some of history’s greatest ruling families.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Briard

    Hailing from France, the Briard's history can be traced back to 14th century books and tapestries.

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    How Man's Best Friend Improves Your Mental Health

    Dogs bring all sorts of benefits to our lives. But did you know that owning a dog can also improve your mental health?

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