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    Breed Spotlight: the Boston Terrier

    Learn more about the Boston Terrier breed.

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    Dog Breeds That Love to Sleep

    Most dogs seem to treasure their sleep, from puppies to older canines. However, as this article shows, some breeds take that love to a whole other level.

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    Dog Owner Diaries: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Pet Insurance

    If you recently went healthcare shopping for yourself or someone in your family, you know how puzzling and time-consuming that process can be—but you also understand the peace of mind that comes with coverage. As a dog owner, you are also faced with the many of the same choices when buying health coverage for your pets, but it is ultimately up to you to decide which plan (if any) is the best fit for your dog.

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    How Pets Find Their Way Home with Microchips

    While we would like to think that our dogs would never run off and get lost, the reality is that hundreds of dogs leave their loving homes every day, and some won’t make it back. Thankfully, microchipping has come a long way in the last few decades, and now lost dogs are being reunited with their owners more than ever before thanks to this life-saving technology.

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    5 Strange Facts About Dogs

    Dogs can be our best friends, but like anyone else they have their secrets, too. Here are six strange facts about dogs that you may not know.

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