What To Know When Purchasing A CKC Puppy
What To Know When Purchasing a CKC Puppy
- If you are considering purchasing a puppy advertised as CKC registered, the breeder will supply you with the CKC Pre-Printed Puppy Application at the time of sale, in accordance with CKC Rules and Regulations. You will need this to complete the puppy registration process.
- If the Pre-Printed Puppy Application is NOT provided to you at the time of sale, there is no assurance that the puppy you are purchasing is CKC registered. The CKC Pre-printed Puppy Application serves as verification that the litter was registered with CKC and ensures the puppy's eligibility for official registration with Continental Kennel Club Inc.
- At the time of registration, after purchase, you will need to enter the application number and the birthdate of the puppy and make sure that the breeder signed your application. Submit the Pre-printed Puppy Application online or by mail, fax, or email to complete the CKC registration process and certify the puppy as a CKC-registered canine. You must complete the registration process in order to protect your ownership rights of your new puppy.
Why Register?
Proof of Ownership
What would happen if your dog was lost or stolen, and you had to provide proof of ownership to get him back? When you register your dog with CKC, you receive an official certificate proving that you are the owner of the dog. Not to mention, having a puppy birth certificate is as cute as it gets.
Practical, Customized Advice
Did you know that dogs go through different phases of development and require different training based on the phase they're in? As a member of CKC, you don't need to worry about being a dog expert. We'll send you customized tips and advice based on your dog's breed, age, and other factors to make sure your puppy gets the best training and care possible throughout his life.
Access to Unique Packages
When you register your dog, you have the option to purchase unique and valuable packages that you can't get anywhere else. Packages include products such as All-In-One Microchip Kits by Microchip ID Systems, dog tags, training books, and materials, 30 Days of Metlife Pet Insurance when you register your puppy, and much more!
Quick, Easy, and Convenient
CKC is dedicated to making the registration process hassle-free for breeders. By offering free litter registration, discounted kennel rates, a 5-day turnaround on paperwork, easy dual registration, convenient online registration, and live customer service representatives, you'll save time and money that you can then devote to bettering your breeding program.
Ages & Stages Training
CKC's all-new training guide! The video training series is free to anyone with a registered CKC canine and helps new puppy owners as well as experienced dog lovers. Our training methods are rooted in the science of operant conditioning (positive reinforcement), classical conditioning, and the Premack Principle.
Additional Benefits for Breeders
Experience the convenience of having all of your dogs registered in one place. CKC accepts registrations from several approved organizations. See if your current registry is accepted by checking here.
CKC is dedicated to making the registration process hassle-free for breeders. By offering free litter registration, discounted kennel rates, a 5-day turnaround on paperwork, easy dual registration, convenient online registration, and live customer service representatives, you'll save time and money that you can then devote to bettering your breeding program.
Online Puppy Advertisements
Buyers are looking for your puppies. Are they able to find them? By advertising on our website, you'll be putting your puppies directly in front of the customers who want to buy them. Breeders who advertise on our site have reported that their litters sold in half the time it took to sell them without advertising.
Special Breeder Programs
We believe in rewarding quality breeders that preserve the health and integrity of breeds. We offer discounted kennel rates and bulk microchip packages that allow you to manage your breeding stock more efficiently and for less money.
Added Value to Bloodline
Producing quality puppies requires lots of hard work and dedication to sound breeding practices. By using CKC’s unique registration system, you can build a reputation for your bloodline or kennel name by ensuring that puppies you produce get registered with your name as part of the puppy’s name.