CKC How To Make Sure You And Your Dog Are Good Neighbors

How to Make Sure You and Your Dog are Good Neighbors

Dogs may be our best friends, but our neighbors may not always share the sentiment. There are some things you can do to keep the peace. Use these suggestions to make sure your pet doesn’t become a neighborhood pest.


Training a dog is a lot of work, but it’s an essential step in good relations with your neighbors. Teach your dog not to growl or bark as people pass by, and don’t allow any jumping up on visitors. Curb excessive barking before it gets out of hand.


Exercise is as vital for your pet as it is for you. Dogs are better off physically and mentally after playtime and walk. Plus, a tired-out pup is less likely to act out. You and your neighbors may see fewer behavioral issues if your dog gets regular exercise.

Use a Leash

No matter how well trained you think your dog may be, follow your community’s leash laws when you’re both out and about. Even the best-trained or sweetest dog can lash out. Using a leash also protects your pup from possible injury or attack by staying close to you. Save yourself a leash law ticket and fine and keep your dog leashed.


You already know you always need to scoop your dog’s poop. This is especially true if your dog leaves a mess on your neighbor’s lawn. Don’t let your dog’s business stink up your relationship with the people living nearby. Carry poop bags with you on walks, and clean up poop in your yard to avoid messy situations with visitors.

Keep Your Dog Secure​​

Keep your dog safe and secure in your yard. This is important for your pet’s well-being, your peace of mind, and harmony with your neighbors. Escape artists can damage more than relationships: they can also damage your neighbor’s lawn. For example, dog urine can cause brown spots in lawns due to its nitrogen content and other compounds that may affect the soil’s pH. A fence is a good option for keeping pets in and intruders and wildlife out. If you’re building one, check city and HOA regulations to make sure your fence complies.


Start the communication process from the beginning, whether you move into a new home or adopt a new dog. Introduce yourself and your dog to your neighbors. This will reveal the dog lovers and the ones who aren’t so sure. Ask your neighbors to talk with you about any problems your pet may be causing. If they do, be open to receiving and rectifying any complaints.

Keep Vaccinations Up to Date

Vaccinations keep your pet (and others) healthy. They also protect from infections that can pass from dogs to humans. Should your dog bite a person, current vaccines could lessen potential medical and legal issues.

Keeping your dog in your neighbors’ good graces will benefit everyone involved. People in your vicinity will appreciate your well-behaved pooch, and you’ll know you're doing your part to be a good neighbor.

Bio: A former veterinarian’s assistant, Jasmine Patel, has parlayed a love of animals into a career of advocating for and writing about her furry friends.

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