Pet Tech 101: 6 Products Your Dog will Thank You For
There is no doubt about the fact that technology has changed our lives in drastic ways. A new product or service is hitting the market every other day to make our lives easier and better, and the trend has now passed onto our canine companions. A bit of automation to their lives can provide multiple benefits, from better health to happier moods. Many of these tech products allow pet owners to save time and effort while improving the lives of their dogs. Here are six products that can make your dog’s life (and your own) better.
GPS Pet Tracker
Instead of having to frantically knock on your neighbor’s door inquiring about your lost dog, invest in a collar fitted with a GPS device. These devices can be linked with smartphones to provide your pup's real-time location. You can specify a particular area around your house as the safe zone for your dog, and if your dog tries to cross the defined area, you will get a notification instantly.
Some collars can also track your pup’s activity levels and notify you of how many calories your dog has burned. And some wearables in the market can even alert pet parents if the temperature in the pup’s surroundings is too high.
Smart Feeders
Our dogs tend to overeat at times, which can lead to obesity and significantly affect their quality of life. Obese or overweight dogs are at a higher risk of developing heart-related illnesses or arthritis. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your pup eats measured amounts of their favorite dog food at the right time throughout the day. Well, the good news is that an automatic feeder can help to solve these issues. These are beneficial as they can be programmed to dispense treats at particular time intervals and quantities.
There are feeders for multi-pet houses where one pet seems to steal the other’s food or for dogs with special dietary needs. The device has a lid that opens up only after detecting signals from the particular pet’s microchip, so you can rest easy knowing that Rover didn’t steal Spot’s breakfast.
Cooling Beds
Summers aren’t kind to our dogs, especially those with thick coats of fur. The primary cooling mechanism that dogs depend upon is panting, so they would undoubtedly love some extra cooling. One effective way of keeping your dog cool is to get a cooling bed. There are tons of options available in the market, and you can choose the one that suits your needs—whether you want to get one that uses ice packs or a simple bed infused with gel that might do the job for you. These beds can also provide cold therapy that is beneficial for arthritic dogs and can help soothe their pain.
Treat Cameras
Our canines miss us while we are away, while we pet-parents are always worried about what our furry companions are up to. Well, you can now communicate with your pup when you are away from home. There are various pet cams available, and many boast new and exciting features. These devices allow you to chat with your pooch with two-way audio and video systems. Some devices can even dispense treats to encourage your pup to come towards the camera, while others can give off calming scents or take cute selfies of your pooch.
Smart Dog House
With the continuous advancement of technology, the newest trend is all about making homes smart. As automation and tech make way into our homes, why shouldn’t our dogs also reap the benefits? There are various products available from affordable smart homes to the luxurious high-tech houses by Samsung equipped with built-in tablets, treadmills, and a spa.
Of course, not all pet-parents can spend thousands of bucks on a smart dog house, but there are more affordable versions available that can improve the living space of any dog. Some of these smart homes contain sensors to notify the parents when their dog is in the house, and they also feature cameras that let you to chat with your fur buddy, play music to calm him down, and feature fans to keep your pooch cool.
Automatic Dog Toys
Our canines are filled with energy and can quickly get bored when left alone at home. But these tech advances in tech you have got it all covered. If you are an Xbox enthusiast, you can get a somewhat similar canine version of it for your pooch. The device has buttons that light up creating puzzles for your dog, and as your pup solves them correctly, a treat is dispensed as a reward. For hyperactive canines whose owners get easily tired, there is also an automatic fetch machine that can throw balls up to a distance of 30 meters. You can program the device, and your pooch can play for as long as he likes.
Jenny Perkins is an Animal Behavior Specialist and a passionate writer. She loves to write about the nutrition, health, and care of dogs. She aims at providing tips to dog owners that can help them become better pet parents. She writes for the blog Here Pup.