Spring Decorating Ideas for Dog Owners
April 5, 2019 Lifestyle Grooming & CareSpring is finally here, which means out with the old, cold winter styles and in with warmer, livelier deco. But, as a dog owner, there are things to consider before changing things up. Find out how you can make your home beautiful and more dog-friendly this season.
Read MorePuppy Vaccinations: What You Should Know
April 2, 2019 Health & NutritionVaccines help to keep dogs safe from disease, but many new owners or potential owners may not know which vaccines their puppies need or when they need them. This guide will give you the info you need to make better vaccination decisions for your pup.
Read MoreBreed Spotlight: the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
April 1, 2019 Breeds & InformationWithin the latter half of the nineteenth century, toy spaniels were crossed with Japanese chins, which resulted in the creation of flat faced, dome skulled dogs called King Charles spaniels. In 1926, a man by the name of Roswell Eldridge offered a cash reward for anyone who could produce old-type spaniels without the dome skull. The idea caught on, and in 1928 the first Cavalier club was formed, and the standard was set.
Read MoreHow Enzymes in Dog Food Aid in Digestion
March 29, 2019 Lifestyle Health & Nutrition Current & TrendingIf you’re a cautious pet parent who likes to read the label before buying your dog’s food, there’s a strong chance that you’ve recently come across brands that tout the health benefits of digestive enzymes. Learn about the important role enzymes play in your dog’s diet, and find out if enzyme supplements .
Read MoreWhat to Know About Vacationing With Your Dog
March 26, 2019 LifestyleGetting away for a little while can be extremely fun and relaxing, but wouldn’t it be that much better if you could bring your dog along for the trip? Read on to find out what you should expect if you plan to take your dog on a fun getaway.
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