• Hard To Train Dog, It Could Be Their Energy Level

    Hard to Train Dog? It May Be Their Energy Level!

    Dogs come in a wide range of activity levels. Some are hyperactive, some are laid back, and many fall somewhere in between. Having been developed for different purposes, each dog breed has its own average level of activity. Is your dog more laid back or energetic? Keep reading to find out more about how your dog's breed and energy level play a role in trainability.

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  • The Importance Of Daily Walks For Your Pup

    The Importance of Daily Walks for Your Pup

    Sometimes our dogs become so important to us that we spoil them. This can look like giving them more treats than they really need or carrying them all the time. These and other little actions may not seem so bad, but they can lead to a significant threat to your dog’s health — obesity. There are a few things you can do to help prevent this and other health issues. At the top of the list is daily walks. Here's why!

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  • Quick Fix For Barking

    Quick Fix for Barking

    It's normal, natural, and, to a dog, it's necessary. However, to people, it can be a real nuisance. Dogs don’t always understand the difference between when their barking is needed and when it’s too much. So how can an owner communicate back to their dog when the barking needs to stop? In this article, we look at the barking from the dog's point of view while offering some easy and practical tips to help fix barking issues!

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  • Preparing Your Dog For A Pet Sitter

    Preparing Your Dog for a Pet Sitter

    Whether hiring a pet sitter to look after your dog for one day or heading off on an extended vacation, ensuring your dog is prepared to spend time with the pet sitter is important. Dogs are intelligent, social, and devoted animals that can become distressed when faced with new situations or separation from their family. An anxious or poorly trained dog can be hard to handle or dangerous. If you want your dog to have the best possible experience with the sitter, the work should start at home!

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  • Summer Travel With Your Dog

    Summer Travel With Your Dog- The Ultimate Guide

    Summer is a great time for long walks with your dog, and it doesn't have to be an outdoor adventure. There are many places to take your dog on a picnic or hike. If the weather is nice, bring snacks and a ball to play with. You can also set up an obstacle course for your dog to keep him active and busy. You can also go to your local farmer's market and let your dog explore the produce and buy some tasty treats for him.

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