• Gummies For Dogs And How To Make Them

    Gummies for Dogs and How to Make Them

    When it comes to our dogs, we all want the best for them. Whether that's the comfiest dog bed on the market or the yummiest treat we can get our hands on. Treats, however, can sometimes set you back a couple of bucks. They don't last very long—in comes gummies.

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    How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Cat Food

    Do you have a dog that enjoys devouring cat food? Well, you’re not alone. Cat food is more palatable compared to dog food, and it’s evident that your dog would want to eat up cat food whenever he gets a chance. Catching your pooch stealing cat food may seem cute at first, but it’s going to harm your canine pal in the long run. But don’t worry, it’s easy to teach your dog that he’s not allowed to eat your kitty’s food using some basic obedience training and other tricks. Read on to know how to stop your dog from eating cat food.

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    Food and Water Essentials for Your Pup

    The new year is here, and new year’s resolutions are in full swing. Many people are changing up their diets, working out more, reading more books, or trying out new hobbies. New year’s resolutions are different for everyone. Maybe you are focusing on nutrition this year, so why not include your dog in your changes? You want to feed your puppy the best possible food at the right portion size, right? Sometimes determining the correct food and portion size isn’t always easy. Every puppy is different and has different needs.

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    Deciphering Dog Food Labels: What's In Dog Food

    Figuring out what brand and type of dog food are best for your beloved pup can be a little intimidating. With hundreds of options, picking "the right" one may seem overwhelming. Add in the technical jargon put on labels, and you've got a recipe for confusion. Let's take a look at what goes into dog food labels.

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    Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

    You already know your dog can eat carrots, peanuts, and popcorn and that you should undoubtedly avoid feeding him chocolate. But what if your pooch is begging for breakfast, eyeing those eggs on your plate? You only want the best for your furry friend, so do you give in and toss him a bit of egg white or stand your ground? Here's what you need to know before making the decision.

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