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    How Kennels Can Safely Dispose of Dog Waste

    Dogs have to do their business. It’s a simple fact of life. But did you know that there are ecologically friendly ways to take care of that waste? Find out how kennels can dispose of dog waste in a safer way.

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    Can Your Dog Eat Bananas?

    What may be a superfood for us can be something else entirely for our dogs. Read on to find out if bananas should be a part of your dog’s diet.

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    Dog Owners Tips: How to Keep Your Home Clean for Your Newborn Baby

    If you already own a dog and have a baby on the way, you’ll want to make sure to prepare your home as well as possible before your little bundle of joy arrives. Here are a few tips to help dog owners create a safer, cleaner living space for their babies.

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    Household Safety Tips for Pet Owners

    While your home should be a safe place for you and your dog, there are plenty of common, everyday items you may have lying around that could be harmful to his health. Don’t let your dog get hurt in your own home. Look at this guide for tips to keep him safe.

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    What Natural Disasters Mean for Our Pets

    When natural disasters strike, they often leave chaos in their wake. As scary as this can be for us, imagine how much worse it is for our dogs, who don’t have an understanding of what is happening. Find out how you can prepare your pets for natural disasters before they occur and learn how to meet their needs in trying scenarios.

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