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    Creative Ways to Keep You And your Dog Entertained During Self-Isolation

    The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted lives all over the world. In the U.S., most states are under some kind of lockdown or "stay at home" order, limiting interaction between people. While that kind of social distancing is necessary to get the spread of the virus under control, it can also increase the risk of people experiencing loneliness. Because loneliness can cause potential health issues like increased stress, cardiovascular disease, and even altered brain function, people need to have a connection of some kind.

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    COVID-19 and Your Dog (UPDATE)

    Unless you’ve been completely shut off from the world, you’ve heard about the pandemic caused by the recent strain of Coronavirus. With many working from home, people are left wondering how to keep their dogs occupied or even if petting their dog is safe. This article was originally published on March 20th, but new information has required an update. (6/26/20)

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    What Having a Dog Can Do for a Kid

    A dog’s love can make a huge impact in a child’s life, often carrying its effects far into adulthood. But wonderful memories and companionship only make up a part of the benefits a dog can bring into a child’s life. Read on to learn about the many ways how having a dog can change a child’s life for the better.

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    5 Ways to Get Dogs Adopted for Clear the Shelters Day 2019!

    August 17th is Clear the Shelter Day, which means it’s the perfect time for dogs around the country to find new, loving homes! Read on to find out how you can help get dogs adopted this Saturday.

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    Dog Chases Bear Out of Neighbor’s Yard

    A New Jersey man is thanking his neighbor’s dog for intervening after a hungry bear wandered onto his property.

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