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    Pets and Seniors: Considerations for Winter Wellness

    Dogs can bring a bevy of health benefits to seniors, but special precautions must be taken to ensure both the senior and the dog stay happy and healthy, especially in winter weather. Check out these tips for a safer winter in 2019.

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    Ford Developed a Noise-Canceling Kennel to Help Dogs Scared by Fireworks

    Does your dog freak out at the sound of fireworks? Ford recently created a prototype of a kennel that is designed to block out stress-causing sounds and keep dogs feeling safe from some of the loudest outdoor noises.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Siberian Husky

    The Siberian Husky breed comes from a longstanding tradition of working dogs. The ancestors of the Siberian Husky are believed to have been developed by the nomadic Northeast Asian (Siberian) Chukchi tribes.

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    Ensuring Your Home is Dog-Friendly All Winter

    Cold weather is officially here. Are you prepared to keep your dog safe and warm in the winter months? Read this guide for some great tips to protect your dog from the frigid weather.

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    Facilitating Safe Play Between Your Dog and Your Children

    If you’re a parent planning to bring a new dog into your family, you need to make sure that your dog and your children will get along. To keep your child and your dog safe, you need to teach your child how to avoid provoking the dog accidentally, and you will need to look out for signs of distress in your dog to prevent them from escalating. Read this guide for a safer playtime between your kids and your dog.

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