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    How to Care for a Dog While Working Full Time

    Whether you currently work full-time with a dog at home or are employed and thinking about getting a dog, this handy guide can help you better understand the importance of balancing your work life with the needs of a canine companion.

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    How to Teach Your Dog to Walk Beside You in 7 Simple Steps

    Walking with a dog that constantly pulls ahead on his leash may be frustrating at times, but it can also be dangerous. Find out how you can teach your dog to walk beside you and prevent the mishaps that can come from leash pulling.

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    How to Spoil Yourself and Your Pupper This Christmas

    Christmas is almost here. Your dog may have made it onto the Nice List, but you shouldn’t wait around for the big guy in the red suit to swoop in with the presents. Instead, read on for some stellar gift ideas that your dog will surely love.

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    Holiday Stocking Stuffers Your Pooch Will Love

    Still trying to figure out what to put in your dog’s stocking this Christmas? Well, look no further because Kelly Shepherd has you covered with plenty of excellent gift ideas.

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    Dog Shedding: How to Keep Pet Hair Under Control

    If you own a dog, there’s a good chance you understand the challenge of keeping your home tidy with a shedding canine companion around. Thankfully, there are a few actions you can take as a dog owner to keep the excess fur to a minimum in your home.

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