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    Top 5 Amazing Ways to Help Your Dog Like Car Rides

    Let’s face it: getting your dog to go for a ride isn’t always the easiest task, especially if your dog associates car rides with potentially stressful locations like the vet or the groomer. Thankfully, there are actions you can take to help ease your dog’s mind when it comes to car travel. Here are five amazing ways to help your dog better enjoy car rides.

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    Life Hacks for First-Time Dog Owners

    If you’re a first-time dog owner or plan to become one, you’ll want to be as well prepared as possible for the many new responsibilities that come along with it. Thankfully, Avery Taylor Phillips has you covered with some valuable life hacks to make the experience much easier on you and your pup.

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    Does the Type of Water Your Dog Drinks Matter?

    Water is something every living creature needs, and dogs are certainly no different. But are you sure that the water coming out of your faucet is safe enough for your dog to drink regularly? The truth may surprise you.

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    The Many Physical Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

    Having a dog in your home can be a benefit in and of itself, but did you know that there are also many health benefits associated with dog ownership? Read on to see how man’s best friend helps us live healthier lives.

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    Help Your Dog Avoid a Fireworks Freak-Out With These Tips

    Fear makes dogs—and humans—do all sorts of weird, silly, and dangerous things. This Independence Day, help your dog safely deal with his fear of fireworks with these 10 useful tips.

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