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    Why & How to Stay Fit With Your Dog

    Exercise is a great way to bond with your pup and expend excess energy in a healthy way. Read on to learn how you and your beloved canine companion can have fun while keeping fit.

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    Do Dogs Enjoy Music?

    Have you ever been singing along to your favorite tunes around the house and your seemingly tone-deaf canine companion joins in with a howl? It’s no secret that dogs have the far superior hearing compared to humans, but does that mean they can understand and enjoy music?

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    2 Killer Canine Diseases Vaccination Can Prevent

    Unfortunately, even though you may treat your dog well and feed him the best foods, there are some diseases that strike at even the healthiest of dogs. Read on to learn how you can protect your dog against two of the nastiest canine diseases.

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    How to Read Your Dog’s Food Label

    While there’s no shortage of choices when it comes to dog food, it isn’t always easy to separate the good stuff from the junk. But have no fear, this guide will give you lots of useful info and tips to make better choices for your dog’s diet.

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    Is It Possible to Have a Dog While Living With Asthma?

    Living with asthma can be difficult, and unfortunately the presence of furry animals in the home can exacerbate the problem. But living with asthma doesn’t always have to mean living a dog-free life. Learn about some of the steps asthma sufferers commonly take to minimize the risk of living with a four-legged friend.

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