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    Five Facts About the Seppala Siberian Sleddog

    In this episode of Talkin’ Dogs, we’re going to tell you about the Seppala’s incredible history and some super interesting facts about the breed.

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    To the Office with a Dog: Why Dog-Friendly Companies are so Popular

    Many companies successfully practice a pet-friendly office policy. A modern employer tries to create comfortable conditions for its employees. Some companies are allowed to take pets to the office. Furry friends can reduce employees' stress levels.
    Companies try to create a "homey atmosphere" for their workers. When allowing pets to be brought in, firms rely on research that shows the positive impact of cats and dogs on work processes. For example, experts from the Central University of Michigan (USA) have proved that pet-friendly office employees are less prone to have conflict with each other and become more responsive. Moreover, animals set people up for a positive mood and reduce nervousness levels.

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    Tips on Introducing an Older Dog to a Puppy

    So you’re thinking about adding a puppy to your family, but you’re nervous because you already have an older dog. Will they get along? Will they be best friends? Will the older dog resent the puppy? Those are probably some of the questions going through your head. So, how can you help transition your dog into this new life of having a sibling?

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    What Does F1, F2, F3, F1b & F2b Generations Mean?

    Anyone interested in a doodle breed has almost certainly seen the mysterious F1, F2, F3, and multi-generational designations associated with some dogs or litters. What exactly do these terms mean, and what do they have to do with goldendoodles, Labradoodles, and cockadoodles? (Okay, that last one is not a designer breed, but cockapoo people should really consider switching to this one.) Watch this video to find out!

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    Pekingese Breed Spotlight

    These small dogs have been known to exist in China since the eighth century. Surviving for more than thirteen hundred years, the breed was first referenced in the ancient artwork of the Tang Dynasty. The breed reached the peak of its popularity in the early to mid-1800s, when it was said that thousands of them were kept at various palaces.

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