• Sportive Dog Performing During Lure Coursing Competition

    Getting Started with Dog Sports

    Dog sports are a lot of fun. Not only do they help you bond with your dog, but they also provide an opportunity to spend time outdoors and get some exercise while doing it! Whether you're looking for a way to stay active and healthy or simply want to do something fun with your pup, dog sports are an excellent option. In this article, we'll look at some of the most popular dog sports and events today. We'll also discuss why these activities are so beneficial for both you and your pet.

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  • Is Your Dog Stubborn When It Comes To Vet Visits

    Is Your Dog Stubborn When It Comes to Vet Visits?

    Regular vet visits are essential to maintaining a dog's health and preventing illnesses or diseases. They provide an opportunity for a thorough examination of your dog's physical and behavioral health and can help to catch any potential health issues before they become serious. However, despite the importance of regular vet visits, some dogs can become stubborn or uncooperative during these appointments. This can make the experience stressful for the dog and the owner and make it difficult for the vet to perform a thorough examination. In this article, we explain how to help make the experience better.

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  • Owner Plays Welsh Corgi Dog Park

    How and Why Positive Reinforcement Training Works

    If given the opportunity to build excitement and focus in your dog, improve their behavior, exercise their brain, body, and senses, and build your relationship with them, wouldn’t you do it? Positive reinforcement training, or simply reinforcement training, offers all of these benefits and many more. Yet, not everyone is sold. This article explains why positive reinforcement training is the best form of training for your dog!

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  • Hard To Train Dog, It Could Be Their Energy Level

    Hard to Train Dog? It May Be Their Energy Level!

    Dogs come in a wide range of activity levels. Some are hyperactive, some are laid back, and many fall somewhere in between. Having been developed for different purposes, each dog breed has its own average level of activity. Is your dog more laid back or energetic? Keep reading to find out more about how your dog's breed and energy level play a role in trainability.

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  • The Importance Of Daily Walks For Your Pup

    The Importance of Daily Walks for Your Pup

    Sometimes our dogs become so important to us that we spoil them. This can look like giving them more treats than they really need or carrying them all the time. These and other little actions may not seem so bad, but they can lead to a significant threat to your dog’s health — obesity. There are a few things you can do to help prevent this and other health issues. At the top of the list is daily walks. Here's why!

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