• CKC Breed Standards

    What is CKC's Approach to Breed Standards for Dogs?

    Continental Kennel Club was founded as an all-breed open registry. With that in mind from the start, CKC has recognized and registered hundreds of purebred dog breeds, as well as a number of different types and varieties of each breed in an effort to keep breeding populations as diverse and healthy as possible.

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  • Breed Type Explained CKC

    What is Breed Type and How Do Breed Standards Change for Dogs?

    In the last video, we discussed breed standards, their importance, and where they came from. But what is a breed type and how is it different from a breed standard? We will find the answer to those questions as well as discuss how breed standards have changed over time, and look at some examples of how breed types, like the English Bulldog, have been affected by these changes.

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  • Proper Methods To Dispose Of Dog Poop The Green Way

    Proper Methods To Dispose Of Dog Poop The Green Way

    If you have a dog, you know that it needs to be taken out for a walk. That's when your dog will want to poop. As a dog owner, you are responsible for ensuring the dog poop is properly disposed of. You cannot allow your dog to mess up the streets or parks.

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  • What Is A Breed Standard CKC

    What is a Breed Standard for Purebred Dogs?

    Have you ever heard the term “breed standard” and wondered what that meant?
    A breed standard is an essential tool that serves as a blueprint and outlines the ideal characteristics for each dog breed. We also cover how breed standards were created and why they are important.

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  • How To Help Your Dog Embrace A New Home

    How to Help Your Dog Embrace a New Home

    Moving can be a stressful experience, not just for you but for your pet as well. When moving with your dog, you should keep in mind their needs and help the pet adjust to the new home.

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