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    12 Must-Have Dog Gifts for Christmas 2016

    Christmas is on the way. Have you found a great gift for your special pup?

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    How to Prepare Your Dogs for the Holidays

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but the holidays can also be stressful and chaotic for many pet owners. It’s impossible to know how dogs will respond to every guest situation, especially since they can be fine one year and difficult the next. But, while your pet may be trouble over Christmas, with a little extra preparation you can both enjoy a stress-free holiday period.

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    December's Featured Breed: The St. Bernard

    The earliest-known record of dogs living at the St. Bernard hospice in the Alps is a painting from the 1690s depicting two dogs that are obvious ancestors of the St. Bernard. It is believed that the St. Bernard breed descended from ancient Roman mastiff-type dogs.

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    9 Items to Put in All Your Puppy Packs

    The puppy packs given by dog breeders to new dog owners are a balance of breed literature, paperwork, and fun bits and bobs. Puppy packs serve primarily serve to educate the new owner and accompany the puppy into this all new environment. Most breeders limit themselves to a handful of items in their puppy packs, but there’s so much more breeders can include that won’t cost them a fortune!

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    Your Dog’s Memory Is Sharper Than You Think

    A new study shows that dogs can remember the actions of their owners up to an hour after seeing them performed.

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