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    How Does Dog Care Differ Across Breeds?

    Before you decide to bring a new dog into your home, you should first learn all you can about the needs of the breed. Read on to find out how care can differ across dog breeds.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Clicker Training

    If you’re serious about teaching behaviors and commands to your dog, clicker training can be absolutely indispensable. Read on to learn why clicker training can be such a lifesaver and how you can use it to teach your dog.

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    WATCH: Life Hacks for Dogs

    What do squeegees, rubber gloves, parsley, and baking soda have in common? They can all make your life as a dog owner much, much easier—if you know how to use them, that is. Check out the latest episode of Talkin' Dogs for some life-hack lifesavers.

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    Top 5 Amazing Ways to Help Your Dog Like Car Rides

    Let’s face it: getting your dog to go for a ride isn’t always the easiest task, especially if your dog associates car rides with potentially stressful locations like the vet or the groomer. Thankfully, there are actions you can take to help ease your dog’s mind when it comes to car travel. Here are five amazing ways to help your dog better enjoy car rides.

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    Writing a Good Advertisement to Sell Your Puppy

    As many breeders know, selling puppies through advertisements can be difficult—especially in the online space. But there are steps breeders can take to significantly improve their chances of finding loving homes for their pups. Read on to learn how you can make your puppy advertisements more effective.

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