5 Christmas Safety Tips for Dogs

1. Christmas Tree

Are you getting ready to put up your tree? Have you made a plan to make it the best Christmas tree ever? I’m sure you do! Christmas trees are a huge part of making everything feel festive, and your dog wants to enjoy the excitement too! One thing to make sure of is that your tree is secure, so it’s not easily knocked over. Edible decorations hung on your tree, like popcorn strings, can be extremely enticing to your dog. If given the chance, be aware that he may try to tug them down. Also, if you have a real tree, don’t let your dog lick up any water. Real trees are treated with pesticides and fertilizers to help them look fresher longer, which is great for us, but can be toxic to your dog.

2. Decorations

Your tree is a great way to make your house feel “Christmas-y,” but we all know that the decorating doesn’t stop there. And just like the tree, different decorations can be tempting to your dog and cause harm. Lights really help to create that holiday spirit glow, but make sure your dog doesn’t play with the hot bulbs and wires. Taping the wire or using cord-hiders is a great way to ensure your lights don’t get chewed on or messed with. Another common Christmas decoration is tinsel. It’s shiny and fun, but if ingested it can easily cause a blockage or become wrapped around your dog’s intestines, so keep those shiny strings out of reach!

3. Wrapping Gifts

You found the perfect gifts for your family, friends, and everyone in between (and your dog is going to love that new bone!). Now you have to wrap them, but ribbons and bows can look just like toys to your dog when left unsupervised under the tree. Eating wrapping paper can upset your dog’s stomach. So, if you’re worried about your dog eating your wrapping paper, consider pet-friendly wrapping paper. No really, that’s a thing! It’s wrapping paper that uses soy-based ink and nontoxic chemicals that’s completely safe for your dog, especially if he decides to celebrate Christmas early and use the gifts as chew toys.

4. Plants

Some people enjoy using real or fake plants when decorating for the holidays. When using real plants, remember that some of them can be toxic to your dog, such as holly, mistletoe, and poinsettias. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But those are classic Christmas plants!” Yes, but when it comes to the safety of your dog, perhaps consider using substitutes. Instead of mistletoe, substitute it for a Christmas cactus if you’re looking for the same tone of rich green colors and similar leaves. And something like holly can be extremely toxic, but autumn olive, or silver berry, is a great alternative. It looks festive, but is also safe and edible, if need be.

5. Dog Gifts

You love receiving gifts, and your dog loves receiving gifts too. So, what’s the best thing to get your fur-baby? We have some ideas: new toys, a stylish new collar, and maybe some snazzy new PJs are just what your dog needs. There are also subscription boxes, DNA tests, and even doggie chaise lounges! Find safe, dog tested, and dog approved products at your local pet store or you can check out our online store for all your dog gift needs! You can find the link in the description box below.