The Importance of Pest Control for Your Dog
You love your dog, but you don't love the pests he can bring inside with him. Pests such as mosquitos and ticks are more than a nuisance—they can disrupt your home and turn into a life-threatening problem for your furry best friend. Here's how you can make pest control a priority in your home throughout the year.
1. Treat Your Home Even in the Winter
The old adage that ticks die off in the colder months simply isn't true. Ticks that make their way into your home during the winter months will thrive in your heated rooms. Talk to your vet about products that will safely treat your household items, keeping you, your family members and your dog safe.
2. Keep Your Yard Clean
Bugs aren't the only pest that can get into your home. A yard full of trash, food, and drinks will lead to mice, rats, and other rodents that may find their way from the yard into your home. Keep your yard well maintained by picking up clutter from your dog or kids.
3. Check Your Dog for Ticks
Anytime your dog comes inside after playing, you should check him for any unwanted guests. Carefully look through his hair for ticks, fleas, and other bugs that could be hiding in the fur. This is especially important in the summer since pests like ticks can spread diseases such as Lyme disease to your dog. Ticks will transmit the disease within the first 24 hours of attaching to your pet.
4. Give Your Furry Friend a Bath
Even though your dog enjoys playing outside, it doesn't mean you like it when he comes in a muddy mess. Giving your dog regular baths is the perfect way to keep him clean and pest-free. When you wash him, check for ticks or other mites burrowed in his skin or coat. This will leave your dog feeling clean, feeling comfortable, and pest-free.
5. Clean Up Your Home
It's hard enough to clean your dog, much less your home. But making an effort to remove pests from your home—or things that could attract them—can keep you and your dog safe. First, find any unsealed food that could bring in insects or mice. Next, find any openings or cracks where the pests could get in. Mosquitos breed around standing water so removing any excess water will stop mosquitos from multiplying. Vacuuming and washing your bedding regularly can also help stop fleas in their tracks.
6. Watch Natural Solutions
No one wants to use harsh chemicals inside the home, especially when a dog is around. However, some natural options, such as essential oils or even garlic, can also cause harmful physical effects in your dog. Always check the ingredients on each product you choose before you spray it around your house or use it on your dog.
7. Call in Professionals
If you've tried every trick in the book and you still can't get rid of your pest problem, try calling in the professionals and explaining you have a dog in the home. A professional pest control service can help you get rid of the problem while using solutions that are safe for your dog.
Keep Your Dog Safe from Pests
Part of creating a safe and loving environment for your dog is keeping it pest free. Whether you make a few simple changes around the house or check your dog for ticks, you can make a big difference in keeping pests away. Start today and help your dog live a long and healthy life.
Emily is a freelance wildlife conservation and pet blogger. To check out more of her work, see her blog, Conservation Folks, or follow her Twitter account @emilysfolk.