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    5 Remedies for Arthritis in Dogs

    If you have a dog with arthritis, you know how difficult it can be to watch him struggle with the aches and inflammation that come from the condition. Here are five remedies that may help you to relieve your dog’s arthritis pain.

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    Dog Directed Speech

    Do you talk to your dog? If the answer is yes, don’t feel bad—you’re (probably) not crazy. In fact, recent studies have shown that your four-legged friend is likely picking up more from your conversations than you realize. Read on to learn about Dog Directed Speech and how it can grab the attention of your dog.

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    Emotional Support Dogs: What You Should Know

    Emotional support dogs provide a vital service for people in need, but many people still don’t understand exactly what they are and how they help. Read on to learn more about these life-changing animals, including what separates them from service dogs.

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    Why & How to Stay Fit With Your Dog

    Exercise is a great way to bond with your pup and expend excess energy in a healthy way. Read on to learn how you and your beloved canine companion can have fun while keeping fit.

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    Do Dogs Enjoy Music?

    Have you ever been singing along to your favorite tunes around the house and your seemingly tone-deaf canine companion joins in with a howl? It’s no secret that dogs have the far superior hearing compared to humans, but does that mean they can understand and enjoy music?

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