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    U.S. Army Dog Who Took Out a Machine Gun Nest in World War II Posthumously Awarded Service Medal

    When his country needed him most, Chips answered the call and assisted Allied troops in Operation Husky during World War II. Now, even though this incredible dog’s days have long passed, he’s finally getting recognition for his outstanding (and lifesaving) service on the battlefield.

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    Tips for a Happy and Healthy Dog

    If you love your dog, then you will naturally want to do everything possible to ensure his wellbeing. In this article, Lannie Norris offers some sound advice to help you provide a happy, healthy life for your pup.

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    How to Get Your Dog to Sleep

    Has your dog been having trouble sleeping lately? Learn about some of the potential causes of sleep deprivation, as well as what you can do to improve your pup’s rest.

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    7 Simple Ways to Make Leaving Your Dog at Home Less Painful

    As much as we love our dogs and want to be with them, the reality is that someone has to bring home the kibble. Here are seven ways you can make leaving your dog at home during the workday a little easier on the both of you.

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    Make Your Home a Comfortable Haven for Senior Dogs

    If you have an older dog in your home, you know they often have additional needs that come with age. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help your elderly canine cope with those new challenges.

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