• 5 Signs Your Dog Could Be Diabetic Thumbnail

    Signs Your Dog Might Be Diabetic (Video)

    Learning your dog is diabetic can be frightening, but an early diagnosis can help you treat the disease before it gets worse. In today’s episode of "Talkin’ Dogs", we are going over five signs to look out for if you think your dog may be diabetic.

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  • Ways Your Dog Could Be Telling You They're Ill 3 (1)

    8 Ways Your Dog Could Be Telling You They're Ill

    It’s not very nice at all when you realize your beloved pooch is not feeling themselves and showing signs that they are sick. If your dog suddenly falls seriously ill and is showing no signs of improving, you should make an emergency call to your nearest veterinary hospital clinic as soon as you possibly can to get them treated and seen by a professional qualified veterinary physician. There are certain behaviors and signs you can look out for in your dog which may tell you they are unwell. Read on to find out more in our guide to 8 ways your canine best friend could be telling you they’re ill.

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  • Breed Profile Papillon

    Papillon - Breed Spotlight

    Evidence of small dogs being owned by royalty has existed throughout history, and the Continental Toy Spaniel’s history is no exception. Pint-sized Spaniels have been popular among European royalty for well over a thousand years. These dogs were known as the Continental Toy Spaniel. The Continental Toy Spaniels were first brought to America in the early 1900s where, to this day, they remain one of the most popular toy Spaniels in the country and one of the most easily recognized in the world.

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  • Reliable Care For Your Dog While You’Re Away 1

    Canine Accommodations: Affordable, Reliable Care for Your Dog While You’re Away

    If you’re a busy parent or an overextended entrepreneur, it can be tough to balance your work and personal life. Often in the process, our beloved pets get overlooked. Nevertheless, they’re members of the family and a source of unconditional love, so you want to be extra careful about where and how your dog is cared for. That’s especially true when you’re traveling.

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  • Tips On Making Your Dog A Social Butterfly CKC 2

    Tips on Making Your Dog a Social Butterfly

    Socialization is a vital part of helping your puppy live a happy, fear-free life. It allows them to explore and understand the new world around them effectively. And puppies love to investigate their surroundings and environment anyway! They need to encounter as many new sights, sounds, smells, situations, people, and other animals as possible. This can begin the moment they come home and should continue into adulthood. Build your pup’s confidence by emphasizing the pleasures of these experiences and allowing their temperament to develop correctly.

    Dog parks and puppy play dates in the backyard are great for socialization, but you can also help your puppy socialize in more creative ways!

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