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    How to Teach Your Dog to Play Dead (Just In Time for Halloween)

    It’s cute. It’s entertaining. It’s fun. It reinforces a relaxed state in your dog, and it builds your relationship. Also, bringing a “zombie” dog back from the dead is a surefire way to impress (or maybe even scare) your friends and visitors this Halloween season!

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    How to Teach Your Dog to Pick Up His Toys

    Have you ever tripped over one of your dog’s toys? Does playtime leave your living room looking like a warzone? Well, if you never took the time to teach your furry pal how to pick up after himself, you can’t blame your disorderly digs on the dog.

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    Learning Theory Basics: Operant and Classical Conditioning

    It may be easy to chalk up training troubles to an uncooperative canine, but often the biggest roadblock standing in the way of successful training is a trainer who takes the wrong approach to teaching a dog new behaviors.

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    The Signs of Labor In Dogs

    The deed is done and the test came back positive, but how will you know when your dam’s biscuits are ready to come out of the oven?

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    Troubleshooting the Dog: Getting Him To Come When Called

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