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    How to Help Your Dog Adjust to a New Town

    For most people, moving to a new location is just a fact of life. But even though a new home and a new environment can enrich your life, the moving process can also cause a lot of stress for you and your dog. Learn about some of the steps you can take to make the transition a bit easier for you four-legged buddy.

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    How to Read Your Dog’s Food Label

    While there’s no shortage of choices when it comes to dog food, it isn’t always easy to separate the good stuff from the junk. But have no fear, this guide will give you lots of useful info and tips to make better choices for your dog’s diet.

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    How to Prepare Yourself and Your Pets for an Emergency

    Regardless of where you live, there’s always the frightening possibility that an emergency situation can force you to leave your home behind. When this happens, you want to make sure that you have a solid plan to get both yourself and your dog to safety. In this article, Emily Folk gives you some excellent tips for putting together an effective evacuation plan that includes your four-legged companion.

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    Dog Television: Pros and Cons

    Let’s face it: as a dog owner, sometimes it can be difficult to do the things you need to when there’s an energetic dog running around the house. But did you know there are videos and even TV channels dedicated to keeping dogs occupied and out of trouble? This week, Devin decided to try out a few of those options with his rambunctious dogs.

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    Pet First Aid 101: What to Put in an Emergency Kit

    If you own a dog, you should to have a first-aid kit in your home that’s just for her. While you hopefully won’t ever need it, it’s always best to be prepared. This guide will help you put together a kit to do exactly that.

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