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    Huskies Vs. Dog-Wolf Hybrids: What's the Difference?

    Are dogs really that different from wolves? While the two share many similarities, there are a number features and behaviors that set them apart. Read on to learn more about the distinctions that exist between wolves, dogs, and dog-wolf hybrids.

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    Urine Trouble: Are Small Dogs Lying About Their Size When They Pee?

    If you own a male dog, you’re probably very familiar with what it means when he stops and lifts his leg while you’re out on a stroll. But, according to a new study, if he’s a smaller dog, there may be more going on than you realize.

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    Quick Guide | Choosing the Most Appropriate Dog Food for Your Precious Pooch

    When it comes to dog food, the sheer variety can make it overwhelming for dog owners trying to find the best choice. This guide breaks down some of the differences between the many types of food available on the market to help you make the right decision for your dog’s needs.

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    Breed Spotlight: the Shiba Inu

    The Shiba Inu is a Japanese heritage breed that has existed throughout the mountainous seaside areas of Japan for over 3,000 years. Click here to read more about the Shiba Inu dog breed.

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    How Does Dog Care Differ Across Breeds?

    Before you decide to bring a new dog into your home, you should first learn all you can about the needs of the breed. Read on to find out how care can differ across dog breeds.

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