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    5 Tips to Easily Cut Your Dog's Nails at Home

    As a responsible dog owner, regularly caring for your canine is just a part of the job. And, when it comes to trimming your dog’s nails, you want to be sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Read on for five tips to teach you how to better take care of your dog’s nails.

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    5 Tips to Help You Deal with Leash Pulling

    Taking your dog for walks is one of the more important responsibilities you have as a dog owner. If your dog has a habit of pulling on his leash, however, this necessary task can become quite frustrating and even dangerous. Luckily, there are actions you can take to curb this nasty habit and enjoy walkies once again.

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    Diet Tips to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

    Gaining weight is always easy, but getting rid of it and keeping it off? Not so much. If your dog has packed on the pounds, it’s up to you to put him back on the right track. Here are a few dieting ideas to get your dog back to a healthier weight.

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    The Benefits of Pet-Safe Cleaning Supplies

    Keeping your home sparkling can be a challenge, and this is especially true when you have a dog frolicking around the premises. But not all cleaning home cleaning products are created equal, and some can pose a serious hazard to your pup’s health. Read on to learn more about pet-safe cleaning supplies and why they’re so important for dog owners.

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    How to Travel With Your Pet on a Long Trip

    Traveling long distances can be difficult enough, but if you decide to bring your dog along without proper preparation, a fun trip can quickly turn into an unmitigated disaster. Read on for some tips to keep a long trip with your dog fun and less stressful for the both of you.

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