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    Study: Women Sleep Better With Dogs by Their Side

    Do you sleep with your dog nearby? According to the results of a recent study, women who sleep with a dog by their side get better sleep than those who sleep next to a cat or even another human! Find out how having Fido close can lead to a better night’s rest.

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    How to Take a Road Trip with an Aggressive Dog

    Does your dog have issues with aggressive behavior? Does she become anxious or scared around strangers and other dogs? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then you know what a challenge it can be to take your dog somewhere when the need arises. Here are a few to tips to help you take a road trip with a dog prone to aggressive behavior.

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    7 Moving Tips for Dog Owners

    Ready to move into a new home? Well, if you’re a dog owner, then there are special considerations you should make before you begin. Read on for seven tips that can make the move much easier on you and your pets.

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    5 Tips for Handling a Veterinary Emergency While on the Road

    If you’re planning to go on a trip with your dog, you need to be properly prepared to handle anything the journey might bring, including emergencies. Here are five tips for handling a vet emergency on the road.

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    How to Introduce a Second Dog into Your Home

    If you love your dog, you may want to double your fun by bringing a second canine into your home. But, before you take in another dog, read this guide to make sure the transition goes as smoothly as possible.

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