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    Caring for Dogs With Special Needs

    Dogs enhance our lives in innumerable ways, sometimes even going so far as to help people with disabilities lead normal lives again. But there are some dogs that need help of their own. This guide sheds light on what it takes to care for a special needs dog.

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    How Sleeping With Your Dog Can Reduce Anxiety

    For many of us, having a dog close by provides an extra level of comfort during rest. But did you know that this practice can offer health benefits as well? Find out how sleeping with your dog can lower anxiety.

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    Three Tips to Help Your Senior Dog Make the Most of Its Health

    Your dog may be older, but that doesn’t mean he needs to stop being active. Read on to find out how you can keep your senior dog moving and having fun at virtually any age.

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    Quick Guide | Choosing the Most Appropriate Dog Food for Your Precious Pooch

    When it comes to dog food, the sheer variety can make it overwhelming for dog owners trying to find the best choice. This guide breaks down some of the differences between the many types of food available on the market to help you make the right decision for your dog’s needs.

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    Therapy Dogs vs. Service Dogs: What's the Difference?

    When it comes to therapy dogs and service dogs, many people fail to see the differences between the two, often confusing them with one another. This article sheds light on the different roles these dogs take on when helping those in need.

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