• Quick Fix For Barking

    Quick Fix for Barking

    It's normal, natural, and, to a dog, it's necessary. However, to people, it can be a real nuisance. Dogs don’t always understand the difference between when their barking is needed and when it’s too much. So how can an owner communicate back to their dog when the barking needs to stop? In this article, we look at the barking from the dog's point of view while offering some easy and practical tips to help fix barking issues!

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  • Breed Spotlight Majestic Infographic Preview V1

    Majestic Tree Hound- Infographic Breed Spotlight

    The Majestic Tree Hound (or Majestic, as it is known) is a relatively new breed designation for an old hunting dog. The Majestics share common ancestry with modern-day Coonhounds and, in fact, part of their lineage includes English Coonhound.

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  • The 8 Top Dog Training Online Courses For 2023

    The 8 Top Dog Training Online Courses for 2023

    There are several benefits to an online dog training course over a traditional one. You might not be able to commute to a training school once a week due to your hectic schedule. Or perhaps your dog has trouble traveling in a car. Whatever the situation, you and your dog can benefit from several excellent training methods while lounging in your living room.

    We've compiled our top selections for the best online training programs for dogs of various ages, breeds, and temperaments, whether you're searching for an in-depth video series or live classes held via Zoom.

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  • Romantic Couple With Golden Retriver Labrador Sitting Autumn Forest

    Things to Consider Before Buying a New Puppy

    The decision to bring a new puppy into the family can be exciting but should not be made in haste. There are many things to consider BEFORE buying a new puppy. For owners that have had dogs before, the decision might not be as daunting. But for new puppy owners, there is much to learn and know before adding in a new furry family member!
    In this article, we will discuss important aspects of getting a new puppy that potential owners might not have thought about initially! We’re here to help!

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  • Top Activities To Help Your Dog With Engagement And Fitness

    Top Activities to Help Your Dog With Engagement and Fitness

    Maintaining the health and fitness of your dog is essential when looking to be a caring and responsible owner. Young or old, your dog needs exercise and stimulation to live a happy and contented life.

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