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    10 Tips for Teaching Your Dog To Heel

    Heel means that your dog will walk near your side, with you leading the way, with or without a leash, though you may appreciate having the extra control of a leash if your dog is learning heel for the first time.

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    The Premack Principle: Learn How to Motivate Your Dog

    How can owners encourage a well-mannered pet while still allowing their dogs to be dogs? The answer lies with the Premack Principle.

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    5 Steps to Effectively Clean Your Dog's Ears

    It doesn’t matter if your puppy was blessed with long, floppy ears or the short and pointy variety—ear hygiene should be a part of any dog’s grooming regimen.

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    How to Trim Your Dog's Nails in 6 Easy Steps

    It is recommended that you trim your puppy’s nails every three to four weeks.

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  • Chihuahua Training

    Starting Puppies Off On the Right Paw

    So many puppies are brought to animal shelters each year before they even reach one year of age due to “problem behaviors.” Thankfully, there are steps that breeders and new owners can take to reduce the chances of a puppy being brought to a shelter. Breeders have a lot of control over a puppy’s potential and whether or not they reach it. Setting a strong training foundation can make a world of difference! By teaching your puppies seven basic tasks, their chances of becoming well-rounded, lifelong companions greatly increase. And new owners can build from that foundation! Read on for more information that could help a lot of puppies have a happier, healthier life.

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