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    The Most Famous Military Dogs in U.S. History

    Dogs have been used by militaries for millennia, and they are finally beginning to get official recognition for their sacrifices and bravery in the U.S. Here are the stories of four military dogs that went above and beyond the call of duty.

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    Grooming and Cleaning Tips For Living With a Heavy-Shedding Dog

    As much as you love your dog, loose fur is the scourge of any owner of a heavy-shedding breed. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to make your dog’s shedding more manageable. Check out this guide for some grooming and cleaning tips to keep that excess fur under control.

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    5-Step Guide to Stop Excessive Barking

    It’s natural for a dog to bark, but excessive barking can pose a problem for you and your neighbors. Read this guide for helpful tips for a quieter pup.

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    4 Tips for Training Your Dog with Guests in the Home

    Training your dog isn’t just a one-time affair. It takes lots of practice for a dog to learn a behavior, and even learned behaviors require maintenance and constant practice for consistent results. But practice can get complicated when guests are in your home. Here are four tips to help you train even when visitors are staying over.

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    TSA Plans to Use More Floppy-Eared Dogs in the Future

    The TSA recently announced plans to deploy more floppy-eared dogs to airports and less pointy-eared dogs in the future. The agency hopes that the use of friendlier-looking breeds will lower travelers’ airport anxieties, but some dog lovers are calling the move discriminatory.

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