• How To Help Your Dog Embrace A New Home

    How to Help Your Dog Embrace a New Home

    Moving can be a stressful experience, not just for you but for your pet as well. When moving with your dog, you should keep in mind their needs and help the pet adjust to the new home.

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  • Your Guide To Keeping Your Pets Healthy In 2022 1

    Your Guide to Keeping Your Pets Healthy in 2022

    As 2022 progresses, we have all heard and made our fair share of New Year's Resolutions to eat better and exercise more. But these fitness routines shouldn't just be for the benefit of the human members of our families. They should also be extended to our beloved pets.

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  • Creating A Safe Outdoor Space For Your Dog CKC 1

    Creating a Safe Outdoor Space for Your Dog

    As dog owners, we want to do everything possible to keep our furry friends happy and safe. After all, our pups do so much for us with their warm hugs and constant companionship, so it is only right to give them the best life possible.

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  • 5 Ways Dogs Can Positively Affect Your Academic Performance

    5 Ways Dogs Can Positively Affect your Academic Performance

    Dogs are often cited as “man’s best friend” for a variety of legitimate reasons. Besides being adorable and helping you start conversations with people outside, dogs can also be great learning companions. Did you know they can also help you become better at your college assignments?

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  • New Year, New Dog Thumbnail V1

    New Year, New Dog

    It’s 2022! And with a new year comes new beginnings - and in some cases, responsibilities too. Did you get a new dog or plan on getting one soon? In this episode of Talkin' Dogs, we are going to go over three tips for having a new dog and getting through the first year with them.

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