• Rabies Awareness On World Rabies Day V3

    Rabies Awareness on World Rabies Day

    Usually, when a person thinks of the word ‘rabies,’ it triggers an image of a dog with a wild look in its eyes, foaming at the mouth. There is some truth to this terrifying depiction, but rabies does more than just affect dogs. It can affect other animals and people, as well. Did you know that approximately 59,000 people are killed by rabies each year? There are also more symptoms of rabies than people may realize. Have other questions concerning rabies? We are here to help and to bring awareness on World Rabies Day. Continue reading to discover more facts and information about the disease, as well as how World Rabies Day was started and what other people worldwide are doing to save the lives of dogs and people!

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  • Treating Dog Eye Infections

    Treating Dog Eye Infections: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

    Eye infections are quite common in dogs and can occur due to various causes such as bacteria, viruses, or even injuries. An eye infection is an inflammatory response that results in redness, swelling, and discharge in a dog's eye. Recognizing these infections early and seeking appropriate treatment can significantly affect your dog's comfort and overall eye health.

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  • The Psychology Behind Your Relationship With Your Dog

    The Psychology Behind Your Relationship with Your Dog: How It Works and How to Enhance It

    Furry friends are more than just pets—they're cherished family members. Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of your bond with your four-legged companions? Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of pet psychology to understand how our relationships with our pets work and, most importantly, how we can enhance them. So, grab your favorite cuddle buddy, and let's get started!

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  • How To Prevent Dental Disease In Dogs

    How to Prevent Dental Disease in Dogs

    Did you know that over 80% of dogs show signs of dental disease by age three? This startling statistic underscores a critical yet often overlooked aspect of pet care: dental health. Unbeknownst to many pet owners, dog dental diseases are alarmingly common and can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. This article aims to shed light on the hidden menace of dental diseases in dogs and offers practical prevention tips.

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  • How To Keep Your Dog Hydrated During Summer

    How to Keep Your Dog Hydrated During Summer

    As the summer sun shines brightly and temperatures rise, it's not just humans who need to stay hydrated. Our canine companions also need to maintain their hydration levels to stay healthy and comfortable when it's hot outside. Dehydration in dogs can lead to serious health issues, making it a crucial aspect of pet care that should not be overlooked.

    In this article, we'll explore what dehydration is, how it affects your dog, and the signs to watch out for. Plus, we'll share some practical tips to help keep your dog hydrated and highlight certain dogs that may need extra care.

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