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    5 Tips for Handling a Veterinary Emergency While on the Road

    If you’re planning to go on a trip with your dog, you need to be properly prepared to handle anything the journey might bring, including emergencies. Here are five tips for handling a vet emergency on the road.

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    10 Things to Consider When Putting a Dog to Sleep

    Losing a pet can be incredibly difficult, but being unprepared can make it even harder. Read on for 10 things you should consider before putting your dog to sleep.

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    Acupuncture for Dogs: What Is It and Can It Help Your Dog?

    Acupuncture: it’s not just for people anymore. Thousands of people in the U.S. attest to the usefulness of alternative treatments such as acupuncture, and now it is gaining popularity as a potential treatment for dogs. Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of canine acupuncture.

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    Diet Tips to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

    Gaining weight is always easy, but getting rid of it and keeping it off? Not so much. If your dog has packed on the pounds, it’s up to you to put him back on the right track. Here are a few dieting ideas to get your dog back to a healthier weight.

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    The Benefits of Pet-Safe Cleaning Supplies

    Keeping your home sparkling can be a challenge, and this is especially true when you have a dog frolicking around the premises. But not all cleaning home cleaning products are created equal, and some can pose a serious hazard to your pup’s health. Read on to learn more about pet-safe cleaning supplies and why they’re so important for dog owners.

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