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    Calming Your Dog During A Storm

    While many dogs won't bat an eye when thunderstorms roll in, others exhibit panic ranging from mild anxiety to full-blown terror. This reaction stems from a dog's natural survival instincts — dogs can sense changes in barometric pressure and static electricity in the air. Severe thunderstorms can even endanger a panicked dog's life by driving them outside to flee a storm, increasing their chances of being hit and killed in traffic. The bottom line: Knowing how to calm your dog could potentially save their life. So the next time that thunder begins to rumble try implementing the following tricks to help alleviate your pet's fears.

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    Healthy Pets, Healthy People and The Connection Between the Two

    Your dog brings so much love and happiness to your life, but did you know that your pooch could also make you healthier as well? It’s true. You may not realize it, but the walks, the games of fetch, and the fresh air you breathe are doing your body right, and these activities keep your pet in tip-top shape as well.

    In fact, there are many parallels between your health and that of your furry friend. Here we discuss some of the connections as well as tips that put your health as the first priority.

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    Low Uric Acid Dalmatians: The Dalmatian Back-Cross Project

    In the 70s Dr. Robert Schaible set out to better the Dalmatian breed. His project, known as the Dalmatian Back-Cross project, produced dalmatians of proper breed type with low uric acid levels. Click here to read more about the journey Dr. Schaible and the LUA Dalmatians have been on through the years.

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    Invisible Fence Training: What You Need To Know

    While traditional fences have been used in the past to keep dogs safe and contained, new technology has led to wireless or invisible fences. Whereas conventional fences can be eyesores, regulated by local laws, or expensive, ‘invisible fences’ are a cheap alternative, ensuring dogs don’t escape the property through delivering a shock via a battery-powered collar. So here's everything you need to know about invisible fences.

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    Should You Include Your Dog? A Guide To Events With Your Dog

    So you've got a big weekend planned, but should you bring your dog along? There are many factors to ponder before you set out on your adventure with your pup.

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