• 6 Signs Your Dog May Have Cancer 2

    6 Signs Your Dog May Have Cancer

    We love our furry best friends and wouldn't want anything to happen to them, but some things are beyond our control. It's sad to hear that your dog may have cancer, but if you can recognize the early signs, you might be able to help them heal better and sooner! We review six signs that your dog may have cancer.

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  • Breed Spotlight Anatolian Shepherd Dog Infographic Preview

    Anatolian Shepherd Dog - Infographic Breed Spotlight

    The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is believed to have descended from ancient war and hunting dogs of Mesopotamia, and ancient herding dogs of the Middle East. Today, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog’s exceptional flock-guardian capabilities are coming front and center, and they are growing in popularity.

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  • How To Safely And Responsibly Enjoy The Great Outdoors With Your Dog CKC 2

    How to Safely and Responsibly Enjoy the Great Outdoors With Your Dog

    Dogs and nature go hand-in-hand. If you’re a canine owner, we probably don’t need to tell you that. Just ask your dog if they want to go “out” and wait for their tail to start wagging! The best part?

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  • How Can Pets Help Us To Overcome Depression 1

    How Can Pets Help Us to Overcome Depression?

    There is no hidden secret that pets bring great joy to humans' hearts, especially when struggling. But why do pets have that extraordinary power that comforts humans? There are multiple physical and mental reasons; these pets can elevate the mood and make life feel more tolerable in times of distress.

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  • Breed Spotlight Cairn Terrier Infographic Preview

    Cairn Terrier - Breed Spotlight

    The Cairn Terrier shares a history with Skye Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, and Scottish Terriers. Evidence of these rough-coated terriers has been recorded in Scotland for centuries. Originally, these terriers were used to eradicate vermin and hunt foxes and badgers.

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