• Breed Spotlight North American Indian Dog Infographic Preview V1

    North American Indian Dog- Infographic Breed Spotlight

    Contrary to its appearance, the North American Indian Dog (also called the NorthAID) is not a wolf, nor is it a wolf-dog hybrid. Instead, it is a rare dog breed that was developed in 1986 by breeder Mark Klemperer.

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  • 5 Reasons Why Colleges Should Have On Site Companion Animals

    5 Reasons Why Colleges Should Have On-site Companion Animals

    Companion animals are a significant source of mental and emotional support. In college, this is something many students need in abundance. There are logistical issues with onsite companion animals, to be sure, but there is also data that supports the benefits of letting students have access to companion animals. This article explores some of those benefits!

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  • Fleas Or Ticks What Causes More Damage To A New Pet (1)

    Fleas or Ticks: What Causes More Damage to a New Pet?

    If you’re a new pet owner, the list of potential risks and hazards for your dog or cat can seem never-ending. Topping that list are the two most common external parasites found on household pets: fleas and ticks.

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  • Summer Travel With Your Dog

    Summer Travel With Your Dog- The Ultimate Guide

    Summer is a great time for long walks with your dog, and it doesn't have to be an outdoor adventure. There are many places to take your dog on a picnic or hike. If the weather is nice, bring snacks and a ball to play with. You can also set up an obstacle course for your dog to keep him active and busy. You can also go to your local farmer's market and let your dog explore the produce and buy some tasty treats for him.

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  • Older Dog Care Tips For Modern Owners

    Older Dog Care Tips for Modern Owners

    Caring for an older dog can be a lot of work. Whether you have had them from a puppy or you have adopted a senior to give them a good home in their last few years, you need to make sure that you give them as comfortable a life as possible. Here are some of the things you need to think about when caring for an older dog.

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