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    Common Dog Fears (And How to Help Them)

    Fear is a natural, instinctual response that helps every species survive. This reaction to a perceived threat is essential but excessive fear could be just as harmful. Since we can't explain things to dogs, certain noises, actions, or places may trigger a fear response. But how do we help our beloved pets cope or even conquer their fears?

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    10 Tips for Taking Your Dog Boating

    Dogs want to go everywhere with their human companions, so why not bring your dog out on your next boating trip? They'll love the wind in their fur and the excuse to go swimming, but there are a few things every dog owner should know before cranking the engine.

    Check out these ten tips for taking your dog boating so you can have fun on the waves.

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    Black Mouth Cur Breed Spotlight

    Although there are many hypotheses regarding the origin of the breed, the history of the Black Mouth Cur remains slightly murky. Stories of the dogs are well documented throughout the South by families who have kept the dogs for generations.

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