• How Do I Register My Dog Without Papers - Thumbnail.png

    How Can I Register a Dog Without Papers?

    People often wonder if it is possible to register a dog without papers. Continental Kennel Club offers a couple of ways for you to register your dog if this is your situation. If your dog is not purebred, the “Non-Purebred Canine Registration Application” might be the correct app for you. However, if your dog is purebred, and you would like to have it evaluated, you can use the “CKC Paw Application.”

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  • Talkin' Dogs - F1, F2, F3 Thumbnail v6.jpg

    What Does F1, F2, F3, F1b & F2b Generations Mean?

    Anyone interested in a doodle breed has almost certainly seen the mysterious F1, F2, F3, and multi-generational designations associated with some dogs or litters. What exactly do these terms mean, and what do they have to do with goldendoodles, Labradoodles, and cockadoodles? (Okay, that last one is not a designer breed, but cockapoo people should really consider switching to this one.) Watch this video to find out!

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    Four Easy Ways to Tire Out a Dog Indoors: How to Burn Your Dog's Energy

    Having a high-energy dog can be quite the ordeal! Not just working breeds need a lot of time and effort to keep calm and happy! Both physical and mental stimulation is important for keeping all dogs happy, but this is especially true of small working, high energy dogs like the Mini Australian Shepherd.

    In an attempt to help you keep your dog calm, we have hand-picked four of our favorite activities for you to do with your dog. These activities are not only useful for working breeds, but for any dog who is on restricted exercise or for young puppies who cannot go out yet!

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  • Breed Spotlight - Pekingese - Infographic Preview v2.png

    Pekingese Breed Spotlight

    The Pekingese is named after its city of origin, Peking, known today as Beijing. Like their cousins, the Shih Tzu and the Pug, the Pekingese (or Peke) breed is descended from royalty and is recognized as one of the oldest companion breeds in existence. These small dogs have been known to exist in China since the eighth century. Surviving for more than thirteen hundred years, the breed was first referenced in the ancient artwork of the Tang Dynasty. Like the Pug and the Shih Tzu, the Peke was believed to be a type of ancient Chinese “Foo Dog,” possessing the power to expel evil spirits. Therefore, the Peke was regarded as sacred and divine. They served as a companion to Chinese royalty only since it was illegal for anyone other than those in the emperor’s court to own a Pekingese. In fact, stealing one of the little dogs was a crime punishable by death. While this law kept the Peke strains pure, it almost resulted in the breed disappearing as well.

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    7 Illnesses Small Dogs Are Predisposed To

    If you have any experience keeping dogs, you will know by now that they are prone to different kinds of diseases and might fall sick too. Different dog breeds have different sicknesses that they are predisposed to. Knowing the type of illness that affects your dog and the symptoms of these sicknesses that you are to look out for makes it easy for you to take care of the dog and get them back on their feet when they are down.

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