Things Dog Owners Need to Think About, but Usually Don't
March 7, 2019 Lifestyle Grooming & CareDogs are a huge source of joy in our lives. But when we bring them into our homes they also become our responsibility, and there are things that dog owners often don’t consider that can have a huge impact on the lives of their dogs. Read on for important topics that dog owners should think about but often don’t.
Read MoreBreed Spotlight: the Bichon Frise
March 1, 2019 Breeds & InformationThe Bichon Frise is an ancient breed of the "bichon" family, with bichon being the Middle French word meaning "curl-haired lapdog." The exact origin of this merry breed remains a mystery.
Read More7 Effective Ways to Stop Your Dog from Eating Poop
February 28, 2019 Health & NutritionWhile it’s not uncommon for a dog to eat poop, it’s still a behavior that most dog owners would like to live without. Find out why dogs engage in this strange behavior, and learn how you can stop it.
Read More5 Tips for Caring for a Dog after Surgery
February 26, 2019 Health & NutritionIf your dog recently had surgery, you are going to need to take special care to ensure that his recovery is a success. Here are five tips to help your dog get the rest and attention he needs following a surgical procedure.
Read MoreHow to Calm a High-Energy Dog in 4 Simple Steps
February 22, 2019 Lifestyle Health & Nutrition Training & DevelopmentIs your dog an endless source of energy? Do you see a fur blur streaking around the house in the morning and at night? Thankfully, there are steps you can take to take that rambunctiousness and channel it into healthy, fulfilling behaviors. Learn how you can calm your high-energy dog in four simple steps.
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