• What Does “Limited Registration” Mean?

    A canine with Limited Registration can be registered with CKC but no offspring from that dog would be eligible for registration.

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  • English Bulldog Breed Spotlight

    Today, many organizations are out to save the English Bulldog breed by adjusting stringent breed standards that reward physical extremes (such as a flat head profile) to be less punishing and extreme. By allowing the English Bulldog to have a muzzle and less wide forequarter, the dogs are better able to tolerate heat, whelp naturally, breathe better, and generally enjoy a better quality of life. No other breed is more deserving than the English Bulldog. Responsible breeders are on board with the newer style of conformation, which, ironically, is more in line with how the Bulldog originally appeared. CKC encourages all who know and love the English Bulldog to read the English Bulldog standard and strive to apply it to their dogs and breeding stock.

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    Tips for Traveling with Pets This Holiday Season

    Ah, the holidays. The last months of the year are always filled with good conversations, festive fun, and an endless procession of annually available goodies. The only problem is that often you need to travel dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of miles in order to reach your family’s holiday gathering.

    If you’re traveling near or far with your pet this holiday season, here are a few tips to help your trip match the spirit of the most wonderful time of the year.

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    How Dog Owners Can Be Prepared During Wildfires

    If you live on the West Coast, you may have to deal with wildfires. As a pet owner, you need to take preventative steps to ensure you and your animals are ready for an evacuation. There are a few suggestions you can use to keep everyone safe. It's not fun to talk about potential disasters, but you have to prepare for them adequately.

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    Shar-Pei Breed Spotlight

    The history of the Chinese Shar-Pei can be traced as far back as the Han Dynasty (200 CE), with Shar-Pei-like dogs being found on pottery dating back over 2000 years. Due to the shared demographics and geography, as well as some physical similarities, the Shar-Pei is believed to share common ancestors with both Chow Chow and Mastiffs. The ancestors of the modern-day Shar-Pei were originally used for hunting, herding, sentry work, the cruel sport of dogfighting, and even as a food source.

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