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    Breed Spotlight: the Shih Tzu

    The exact origin of the shih tzu breed is unknown, but a dog with similar characteristics appeared in East Asian paintings dating back to 600 CE.

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    7 Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

    Dogs bring a bevy of benefits to their owners, but did you know that dog ownership can also significantly enhance the lives of seniors? Here are seven breeds that make excellent senior companions.

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    What Makes Dog Food Healthy?

    You feed your dog every day, but are you sure that he’s getting the right food? Learn more about what’s going into your dog’s dish and what should be going into your dog’s dish.

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    Caring for Dogs With Special Needs

    Dogs enhance our lives in innumerable ways, sometimes even going so far as to help people with disabilities lead normal lives again. But there are some dogs that need help of their own. This guide sheds light on what it takes to care for a special needs dog.

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    How Sleeping With Your Dog Can Reduce Anxiety

    For many of us, having a dog close by provides an extra level of comfort during rest. But did you know that this practice can offer health benefits as well? Find out how sleeping with your dog can lower anxiety.

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